10 Things Only Chihuahua Owners Know

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What Only Chihuahua Owners Know

I have come up with these 10 things that only Chihuahua owners know, but, if you own a Chihuahua then  I’m sure you can think of many more. When I take my Chihuahuas with me they always get a lot of attention. There are good comments like, “awww, how cute!” and “so tiny!”. Remedy is a blue merle Chihuahua and when she is with me I get a lot of “what beautiful markings”. But then there are the not so good comments. Maybe you’ve heard a few, you know, things like, “is it a rat?” or “Oh look, it’s a little Mexican Pit Bull”.

But, the different comments only show that they don’t own a Chihuahua because only Chihuahua owners know,10 things…. (Some of the following photos feature my Chihuahuas, Chico, and Pebbles. My dogs are noted in the photo caption.)

1. They follow you everywhere, right on your heels, even to the err, powder room.

Pebbles follows me to the bathroom, does yours?

2. They are little pagan sun worshipers

Chico LOVES to soak up the sun!

3. They may be tiny, but they have the biggest heart!

Hey, real me love tiny dogs

4. There is nothing more heart-melting than those big beautiful eyes!

A beautiful long haired Chi. Just look at those eyes full of love!

5. Your lap is their favorite place to be.

Sweet little Chi snoozing on someone’s lap

6. They make the best little watchdogs. They will let you know if there is a stranger outside, or if there is a potato chip bag blowing down the street.

It looks like this little Chihuahua can be very loud in his duty as a watchdog!

7. They love to show off their sense of style. Because they are sensitive to the cold, they are partial to sweaters and coats.

Pebbles showing off her coat with a fur collar

8. Chihuahuas HATE to get wet! Mine has been known to refuse to go out to potty until it stops raining. They may need a raincoat!

This poor little guy doesn’t look very happy having gotten caught in the rain

9. They will do almost anything for attention.

What talent! No, my dogs don’t ride a skateboard.

10. They are saucy and sassy and have the cutest little bouncy walk. This is Pebbles on one of our walks.

Let us know; What would you add to this list?

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