Title: The “Furr”-ocious Truth about Hair Loss in Chihuahuas: Let’s Talk Bald Spots and Sassy Solutions!

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What happens when Your Chihuahua’s beautiful full locks start to look a bit patchy? Yep, I’m diving into the topic of hair loss in Chihuahuas today. I got asked about hair loss from a reader this week, so, grab a cup of coffee, snuggle up with your Chihuahua, and let’s get to the root of the hair loss problem!

Alopecia, Schmalopecia!

Alopecia, Schmalopecia! Hair loss is also known as alopecia and it’s time to play detective. From possible genetic factors to hormone imbalances and even those pesky allergies, these can all wreak havoc on your Chi’s beautiful mane.

So, imagine this; you are on the couch giving your Chihuahua a belly rub. I mean, we ALL do that, right? One of my little divas actually demands it! But, wait! Suddenly you notice some bald spots! Oh no! What do you do? Should you panic? Is it serious? No. Although hair loss is certainly worrisome, it’s rarely serious. Unless they have some underlying health issue, trust me, it’s not as complicated as it seems.

So, settle in, I’ve got the scoop on all the common causes. Got your coffee? Then let’s dive in! We will explore some possibilities one by one.

THE USUAL SUSCPECTS — common causes:

1. It's All In The Genes

There are some “hairless” dogs like Chinese crested and Mexican hairless, but there are some dogs that are more prone to baldness than others. Bald spots on the outer ear, chest, belly, thighs, or lower neck may appear in greyhounds, whippets, Chihuahuas, dachshunds, and Italian greyhounds, usually after their first year.

2. Allergies: Sniffing out the connections to allergies and hair loss

Allergies are a frequent trigger of hair loss in dogs. Just like people, dogs can have an allergic reaction to certain foods, and environmental triggers such as pollen, even to fleas, or mites. 

Flea bites are behind most dog allergies. Licking and biting the irritated areas are signs of a flea allergy. If your Chihuahua is particularly allergic it can take as little as one flea bite to cause a reaction that may last for days. All that licking and biting can be the cause of your hair loss dilemma in this instance.

3. Pressure Sores

Older or overweight Chihuahuas can be prone to pressure sores where their elbows or other bony parts of the body come in regular contact with hard surfaces. Over time, the constant pressure tends to thicken the skin, the hair falls out, and calluses form.

If calluses crack, bleed, or get infected, treatment may include moisturizers, antibiotics, or the use of bracing. You can prevent pressure sores and calluses by providing your pooch with cushioned bedding.

4. Rashes, Hives

Insect bites and stings, medications, plants, chemicals, even shampoos can cause some dogs to develop a rash or hives, which can result in bald spots.

Allergic rashes usually appear within minutes to hours of exposure, and other symptoms can include listlessness, fever, lack of appetite, and vomiting. Always talk to your vet immediately if your dog develops hives as emergency treatment may be needed.

5. Other Possible Causes

Foreign body reaction. Glass, thorns, and even a dog’s own coarse hair can all cause inflammation and bald spots if they lodge in your dog’s skin. Along with hair loss, signs of irritation by a foreign body include swelling and licking the area repeatedly — for example between the toes. Treatment may require lancing under local or general anesthesia to remove the irritant, and antibiotics if there’s a secondary bacterial infection.

Post-clipping alopeciaFor some Chihuahuas, especially dense double-coated long-haired Chihuahuas clipping — for example in preparation for surgery — can lead to persistent bald spots. A fairly common condition, there really isn’t any treatment for post-clipping alopecia except patience while the hair grows back.

Being overweight can cause pressure sores


I know that you want your Chihuahua to rock a healthy, shiny coat like a supermodel strutting down the runway. So here are some sassy solutions and handy tips to help him/her regain their fur mojo.

1. Feed Their Fur

Discover the power of a well-balanced diet and the nutrients that can work wonders — and I do mean wonders — for your Chihuahua’s coat. I have tried all types of diets for my Chihuahuas throughout the years, but it wasn’t until I began feeding them real, whole foods that an absolute miracle happened to their coat! It became very noticeably softer and shiner! More like luxuriant! I am not kidding!

Even your short-coated Chihuahua’s fur becomes noticeably softer when feeding them whole, fresh food. I kid you not! When I take my Remedy out in public, because of her unique color and pattern — everyone stops and wants to pet her — and every single time they comment on how surprised they are about how very, very soft her fur is! It’s true!

My Beautiful Remedy Jane get ALL the attention when we are out in public

2. Pamper Sessions

Don’t forget those pamper sessions. Grooming is a necessity. Even short-haired Chihuahuas and those who may be losing some fur need regular brushing. Some brushes are specifically for short-coated dogs. 

Regular baths are a must. But, as a general rule don’t bathe your Chihuahua more than once or twice a month. Unless of course, they’ve been naughty and rolled in the mud or other stinky stuff. The reason is that no matter what shampoo you use, bathing more often than that can strip away the natural oils that keep your Chihuahua’s skin and coat healthy and shiny.

There are some fabulous and luxurious shampoos and conditioners for those pamper sessions. And if you really want to spoil them there are some simply sublime pawfumes for those special occasions.

3. Love The Fluff — Embrace Your Pooches Uniqueness

We’re all about celebrating our differences. Celebrate your Chihuahua’s uniqueness. Listen up! Your Chihuahua is still beautiful and adorable! There may not be much you can do, at least until their fur grows back, so embrace it!

4. Have Fun With It!

Don’t wig out …. unless you want to have fun with some doggie wigs. Or, try out the latest sassy hats this season. Let them rock their style while waiting for their beautiful fur to grow back.

Celebrate their uniqueness — Let them rock their style


Let’s get serious for just a minute: There may be some underlying health conditions that may be causing your Chihuahua’s hair loss. Some diseases that cause hormone imbalances such as Cushing’s Disease or Hyperthyroidism.

So, if you have ruled out all of the above possible causes, it’s time to get to your veterinarian and discuss your concerns with him or her.


Hair loss in Chihuahuas may have you scratching your head (or their head!), but armed with some knowledge and a whole lot of love, you can tackle this hairy situation together. Remember, your Chihuahua’s unique look is just another reason to adore them even more. So, keep snuggling, keep loving, and keep rocking the bald and beautiful style with your beautiful Chihuahua!

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