Part I: Introduction to Training
Puppy or Adult
Did you just adopt a Chihuahua or a Chihuahua mix? CONGRATULATIONS! You now have a protective and loyal friend for life! Not to mention, the cutest little watchdog in the world. We will start this series with an introduction to training.
My Passion
It’s not a secret that I am passionate about Chihuahuas and I am so glad you decided to bring one into your home! Of course, I always write about Chihuahuas but keep in mind that most of these suggestions will apply to all breeds of dogs. They will also apply whether you adopted a puppy or an adult dog.
Are Chihuahuas Dumb?

Chihuahuas have bigger brains than other breeds in comparison to their size
I’ve heard many say that Chihuahuas are stupid or hard to train. Actually, Chihuahuas are very smart. They have the biggest canine brains, in comparison to their size.
I’ve Heard They Are Hard to Housetrain
I know that many Chi guardians struggle with potty training. I have had Chihuahuas for many years now and I’ve never had a problem with house training any of them. But this will be a series of posts on training starting with the basics, including housetraining, on up to some cool tricks.
Why is Training Important?

Train using verbal or hand signals, or both
Training your Chi is not only a great bonding experience, but it also shows him that you are the leader and rule-maker. It will teach him to respect your rules and that he can relax and let you handle things.
If he is afraid or encounters a new experience or situation, he will look to you for guidance instead of trying to handle it on his own — often with aggression.
Introduction to Training
If you adopted a puppy, the training process will be easier for the same reason it’s easier for a child to learn the language you speak. They learn new things quickly.
That does not mean, however, that you are doomed if the Chi you adopted is older. It’s true, even a senior dog can learn new tricks. Many times the older adopted dog has already learned the basics.
Your job as a trainer and what you should know. They are:
- Guidance, not force
- Consistency
- Motivation
- Timing
I will explain each one and what they involve as we continue in this series, so watch for that and we will make this journey together.
Remember that you are a leader, and a teacher not a dominant pack leader. Domestic or household pets no longer run in packs, instead, they form groups. You are the leader of that group, whether that group includes 10 dogs or just one.
What makes a good leader?
As a good leader, you need to be kind, but firm. Never yell or scream at your dog and never, never hit him. If you get frustrated and feel that you are getting irritated, stop the training session.
Chihuahuas are sensitive and they sense your moods. It will make them hesitant and nervous if they sense your frustration and it will no longer be fun for him. Training should always be fun, for him and for you.
In This Series:
- Your Job as a Trainer
- What you may be doing that is setting yourself and your Chi up for failure
- Where to Begin
- Obedience
- No Fail Potty Training
- Sit, Why important and how to teach it
- Down, Why Important and how to teach it
- Stay, Why Important and how to teach it
- Come, Why Important and how to teach it
- Leave it, Why Important and how to teach it
- Enough! Why Important and how to teach it
- Now it’s time for some cool tricks that will impress all your friends
Don’t Miss:
Part II, Your Job as a Trainer
Part III, The Number One Reason People Fail
Part IV, The Mechanics of Training
Part V, How to Housebreak a Chihuahua
Part VI, How to Teach Your Chihuahua to “Sit”
Part VII, How to Teach Your Chihuahua to “Stay”
Part VIII, How to Teach Your Chihuahua to “Leave It”
Part IX, How to Teach Your Chihuahua “Down”
House training is easy when you finally notice why they may be “going” in the house. When the weather is good is there a problem? With my Chi the answer is no. If there are torrential rains outside have you noticed.that it is then that the accidents occur? There’s your answer. The smart little dog has just outsmarted you.
That’s true, Jacqueline. I have one little trouper that will go outside in any rain or snow and the other two stick their head our the door and run back in! 🙂 Thank you for your comment