Ultimate Guide If You See A Coyote While Walking Your Chihuahua

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In this article, you will learn where coyotes live, whether you might encounter one on a walk with your dog. What you should do if your Chihuahua sees one in the distance and begins barking, and some handy tips on what to do if you should ever actually come face to face with a coyote.

I saw on the news recently a report of a woman trying to fend off a coyote with a stick while walking along the beach with her dog. Imagine how scary that would be. Then imagine the same scene while walking your Chihuahua! Would you know what to do?

Thankfully, she was rescued by some men in a boat that had been fishing so she was not hurt and the coyote eventually ran away. This is not an isolated incident. Close encounters with coyotes have become almost common.

Today, more than ever we enjoy the outdoors for exercise, and to reduce stress during the pandemic, it is inevitable that we may cross paths with a coyote. Where are you most likely to come across a coyote?

Where Do Coyotes Live?

America, especially North America and Central America, Canada, and Mexico. They generally live in deserts, plains, hilly areas, tropical and subtropical climates, urban and suburbs, grasslands, tundra, and even swamps. They are seen in every state in the US. Coyotes are adaptable mammals that can live well in a variety of climates, conditions, and habitats.

Coyotes are actually shy around humans. However, they have become fearless creatures. They now make homes in parks, golf courses, forest preserves, cemeteries, soccer fields, really any safe green patches of land.

coyote in the distance walking in grasslands

They now are facing food shortages and will increase the size of their territory looking for food and shelter. Researchers have even found coyote holes in some surprising places.

  • Under sidewalks
  • In culverts-open drains under the roads 
  • The basement of abandoned houses
  • In raccoon burrows
  • Under storage sheds

What if Your Chihuahua Barks at a Coyote?

Dogs can smell and communicate with coyotes. They do this by howling, barking, whimpering, sniffing, eye contact, and body language. If your Chihuahua sees or smells a coyote in the distance his barking may pique the coyote’s interest, but will generally walk away if he sees a human is also present.

short haired tan and white Chihuahua on a lease turned back toward the camera as if seeing something

We as Chihuahua owners know that Chihuahuas are protective and can be fearless. Therefore, if your Chihuahua shows an interest in investigating this creature try to distract him with treats or just change directions. You want to prevent as much interaction and communication between your Chihuahua and the coyote as possible!

It is imperative that your Chihuahua does not try to chase the coyote. Be absolutely positive that his harness and leash are secure and that there is no way he could pull or wiggle his way out of it. Dogs and coyotes see chasing differently.

What if you have seen coyotes in your neighborhood?

You could try adverse conditioning training. I’ve written a lot about using condition training with your Chihuahua to help him overcome any fears he has. Adverse conditioning training is the opposite.

If your Chihuahua wants to chase any animal he sees, use aversion conditioning to train him not to. It is a technique used to “condition” your Chihuahua to associate chasing another animal with something unpleasant.

Should you notice an increase in the number of coyotes in your neighborhood, reach out to the wildlife department for assistance. Only trained professionals with first-hand experience in relocating a family of coyotes should attempt to do so.

What to do if you and your Chihuahua are approached by a coyote

Well, first they say to remain calm. Ha! That would be extremely difficult to do if you are actually in that situation, but that is what you are supposed to do. Seriously though try to remain calm and slowly back away. Never ever run because they will perceive you and your little dog as prey.

Then make as loud a noise as you can. A whistle, bell, or one of those loud noise apps on your phone. Use them to scare or threaten him away from you and your Chi.

  1. Stop and Stand Still
  2. Make Yourself BIG
  3. Be Loud and Assertive
  4. Slowly Back Away
  5. NEVER turn your back and run

Stand tall and make yourself look big, wave your arms, and shout (not scream, which is what I’d be doing) Use whatever you have to make a loud noise while walking in the direction of the coyote (if slowly backing up doesn’t work) until he or she runs away.

Coyotes have been seen in and around the neighborhood where I live, although I haven’t personally encountered one yet. I think that from now on, however, I will be carrying a whistle around my neck whenever I walk my dogs!

coyote close up facing camera with snow background

Other things you can use are things that might be around depending on where you are walking. Fill a pop can with rocks and shake it or snap a large garbage bag, even jingling your keys.

I found some apps on my phone also that I will be downloading.

  • Air Horn Loud App
  • Sound Effects App

That is just a couple that are VERY loud noises that would come in handy should you or I come face to face with a coyote. I don’t know about you, but I never go anywhere without my phone, so they will be there should I need them. That is if I’m not so panicky that I can’t find them!

I hope you found this information helpful. I enjoyed researching the subject and am glad I did. Let me know, have you ever encountered a coyote while walking your dog? Tell our readers about it in the comments below 👇🏼. Did you know what to do? I love hearing from you. 🙂

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