Liver Shunts In Chihuahuas — Unraveling The Mystery

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In this article, we will unravel the mystery of Liver Shunts in dogs. As a canine nutrition specialist, I have had many ask about liver shunts, so we will delve into what they are.

The mystery lies in the name. Many medical procedures involve inserting a “shunt” into the brain, to drain excess fluid or into valves to open them up, such as a heart valve.

But, that is not what a liver shunt in a dog is. Let’s find out what it is

What Is a liver shunt?

The function of the liver is to process blood and the substances found in it. In a healthy dog, blood from the intestines passes immediately through the liver to process nutrients and remove anything toxic in the blood. Then the blood re-enters the main circulation of blood.

However, if a dog has a liver shunt a large volume of blood bypasses the liver and enters into the main circulation and from there to the heart and then pumped through the body. This means that the blood circulating through the body is technically “unfiltered” and toxic compounds can build up in the body. The result is that the liver is not able to break down the nutrients that regulate or balance the body’s energy

A birth defect is the cause of liver shunts in most cases. This is known as a congenital liver shunt. However, an acquired liver shunt can also occur primarily caused by liver disease or a disease involving the liver’s normal blood vessels.

Symptoms of a liver shunt are:

Additionally, if the liver shunt is caused by underlying liver disease you may also see:

congenital liver shunt

A normal developing fetus will have a large shunt that quickly carries the blood from the liver to the heart.

A congenital liver shunt happens when the shunt never collapses and the shunt remains open after the fetus no longer needs it.

Small breeds tend to have extrahepatic liver shunts. This simply means the puppy is born with one abnormal blood vessel outside the liver. These are usually (but not always) easily corrected by surgery.

Larger breeds with congenital liver shunts are born with only one blood vessel inside the liver. These can also be corrected with surgery, however, it is much more challenging. 

Not all dogs with liver shunts are good candidates for surgery. The liver metabolizes some anesthetics, and surgery can put undue stress on an already frail dog.

In the case of both congenital and acquired liver shunts the reduced blood flow to the liver also results in atrophy which subsequently affects function.



Treatment in addition to surgery (if appropriate) is diet and intestinal health.

The main concern with many liver diseases is protein intake. That’s because when protein breaks down in the body ammonia is left behind. It is the job of the liver to metabolize ammonia getting it ready to be excreted by the kidneys into urine. But when blood flow bypasses the liver ammonia builds up in the blood and enters the main circulation. This then leads to neurological issues.

When managing with diet it requires a significantly low protein diet. That will reduce the amount of ammonia buildup in the blood. A low-protein diet should include highly digestible protein.  

Some veterinarians prescribe antibiotics to attempt to reduce growth of bacteria in the intestines. However, I would consider other ways to promote intestinal health. 

Stress can factor into the inability of the muscles of the digestive tract to contract. Therefore try to reduce the amount of stress  that your Chihuahua may be exposed to. 

Vaccines And Medications

Because the liver doesn’t rid the body of toxins as it should I would talk to your veterinarian about vaccines. 

Most veterinarians give 5 different vaccines together at one time to dogs. I would either avoid vaccines altogether or at least only give your Chihuahua one vaccine at a time with several weeks intervals. 

I would also discuss any medications that your veterinarian may want to give your Chihuahua with any liver disease before they are given. Make sure they are absolutely necessary or if there is an alternative to the medication that won’t put undue stress on the liver.


As a canine nutrition specialist, I have helped many Chihuahua owners with Chihuahuas that have liver shunts with diet. I have created special low-protein diets with holistic intestinal track health.

If you have a Chihuahua with a liver shunt and would like some help with his or her diet, you may email me by clicking the button below:


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