Warning! Before You Take Your Chihuahua On A Walk This Fall Watch For These 7 Toxic Plants

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Spring and summer is not the only time of year you need to worry about your Chihuahua possibly coming in contact with toxic fall plants, seeds, fungi, and flowers. Even if you don’t have any of these in your own home or backyard, your Chihuahua can find them on walks or hiking. Even if your Chi is on a leash, a leisurely walk in the neighborhood could be dangerous for your Chihuahua because he might come in contact with any of these while sniffing around.

Toxic edibles can cause anything from upset tummy to sudden death, so it’s pretty important that you know what to watch out for to keep you Chis safe this fall.


Wild mushrooms can grow anywhere including your own backyard. They can be deadly to your Chihuahua. Many types of mushrooms prefer the fall’s cooler moist conditions for growing. Not all mushrooms are toxic to dogs, however, unless you are an expert, identifying what type they are is very difficult, so just don’t let your Chihuahua go near any at any time. If you have them crop up in your yard, keep them cut down.

Black Walnuts

Black walnuts themselves are not poisonous, however, when they drop from trees or a squirrel has dropped some in your yard the nuts grow mold, and then they are very dangerous. They can cause tremors and seizures if your Chi should eat any.


acorns when moldy are toxic to dogs

You’ll find acorns anywhere and everywhere in the fall. A few acorns dropped on the ground and picked up by your Chihuahua can cause a big tummy ache and they can become lodged and cause an obstruction.

Pile of Leaves

fallen leaves from a tree. some can be toxic to dogs

Bark and leaves from many trees can be be toxic to dogs if consumed. Common trees such as oak, red maple, cherry and apple to name only a few. It’s fun to run through a pile of leaves, but if your Chihuahua is one that will eat anything make sure he doesn’t snack on any leaves, bark, or twigs this fall.

Autumn Crocus

A beautiful purple autumn crocus, but it's a toxic fall plant to dogs

The autumn crocus contains compounds that cause vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and possible death when ingested by a dog. The spring cocus, however, is not toxic at all to pets.

Tiger Lilly

Beautiful tiger lily and is one of the toxic fall plants to dogs

Tiger Lilies are beautiful and may seem like a nice gift for someone you care about, but they can cause kidney failure in cats. So if your Chihuahua has a cat sister or brother watch for these very dangerous plants. Or if someone you are thinking about giving a lovely bouquet of tiger lilies has a cat, don’t do it.


Yew tree is one of the most toxic fall plants to dogs

Another toxic fall plant is a common landscaping plant. It is one of the most toxic fall plants such as the yew is popular because they stay green all year long. If your Chihuahua should take a bite of a yew it can cause an irregular heartbeat or can even cause the heart to stop. Sudden death can occur within hours.

So enjoy that cool weather walk in the fall with your Chihuahua, but it is a good idea to post a list on your refrigerator or somewhere handy and remember what they look like so you can be on the lookout for these 7 dangerous hazards on a leisurely walk in the fall.

Even if you aren’t sure, and only suspect that your Chihuahua may have eaten or somehow ingested any amount of any of these toxic plants, take them immediately to the veterinarian. Don’t take a chance.

Up Next: Love Fall? Then what’s better than Chihuahuas in gorgeous fall photos?

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