Bringing Home a New Chihuahua Puppy
Did you just bring home a new Chihuahua puppy? Congratulations! Puppies are so cute and so much fun! But, they can be a lot of trouble too. Everything from housetraining, to finding your favorite shoes have been chewed on (How do they know those were your favorite shoes?) This on top of a full-time job and kids to take care of. Maybe you’re thinking….. “what have I gotten myself into?”
Puppyhood is a Critical Time For Chihuahuas
Why is that? Chihuahuas are very loyal and protective little dogs. They make excellent little watchdogs. That’s a good thing, right? Yes, but those good qualities can quickly turn into very bad behavior. When they are a puppy is the best time to make sure that doesn’t happen. When they are grown, you can change the behavior, but changing it is a lot harder than making sure it doesn’t happen in the first place.
I’ve heard from many people that Chihuahuas are hard to housebreak. That simply is not true. It is no harder to housebreak a Chihuahua than it is to housebreak any other dog breed. All dogs are individuals just like humans with their own little personalities and makeup. There are dogs that are harder to housebreak than others in every different breed.

My Remedy Jane, 9 weeks old
To housebreak any breed you must be consistent and stick to a routine. That is where most people fail. Yes, it is a lot of work, at least for the first four to six weeks. But, relatively speaking, this is a very short period of time. If you do follow through and are consistent, you will then have a housebroken dog for the rest of their lives. To learn how to housebreak your Chihuahua, click HERE >>
Puppies are curious and they explore their world with their noses and their mouths. Just like a human baby, keep a close eye on your puppy to protect him from his own curiosity.
If you leave home even for a short time, make sure your puppy is confined in a secure place, a crate or a pet safe room.
Keep all items that he can chew on put away and/or out of his reach. Give him lots of chew toys. If you see him start to chew on something inappropriate, redirect his attention to a chew toy or other type of chews available for dogs.
It Takes Time and Diligence
Before you even bring a puppy home, do the research on Chihuahuas and how to train a puppy to be a well-mannered little dog that you and your family can enjoy for many years to come.
Be prepared to spend the time needed to train and socialize your Chihuahua puppy. If you do, you will never regret bringing a Chihuahua into your home. They will bring you so much joy, laughter, and happiness. They will be your loyal and protective little companion for as long as they live.
Don’t miss:
Training Your Chihuahua, Housebreaking
How To Train Your Chihuahua, Introduction
How To Train Your Chihuahua, The Number One Reason People Fail