What Does It Mean When Your Chihuahua Has A “Leaky GI Tract?”

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If you read my blog then you are aware that I have an aversion to the word “gut”. Why? Do you ask? I really don’t know, the word sounds a little like a cuss word to me. 🙂 So, I’m going to just call it what it is; Gastrointestinal Health or GI tract

A leaky GI tract can cause a variety of health issues, including arthritis. It may seem an odd connection; between a “leaky GI tract” and arthritis, but the two are connected in multiple ways. As a Canine Nutrition Specialist I have seen Chihuahuas suffering from an unhealthy GI tract, and/or arthritis as well as many other ailments caused by a “leaky GI tract”.

What Does It Mean To Have A Leaky GI Tract?

The condition is growing more and more common in both us humans, and our canine counterparts, and can lead to some pretty serious long-term health issues. Let’s look deeper into what actually happens in the GI tract of a normal dog, compared to one with an unhealthy GI tract.

If your Chihuahua has a healthy GI tract, after eating, food passes through the GI tract. The GI tract actually consists of the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine (known as the colon). As it does, the nutrients from the digested food are absorbed and the waste is pushed out through the rectum.

To help with the process, and optimum nutrient absorption the small intestine is lined with small finger-like structures called villi, which are also covered in even smaller finger-like structures, known as microvilli. In the GI tract are what is known as “good bacteria”. This bacteria aids in digestion. The “good bacteria” yeast cells, any viral particles, are parasitic burdens collectively known as the “microbiome”. Optimum nutrient absorption is supported by the interactions of immune cells and the good bacteria in the GI tract.

Your Chihuahua’s GI tract

What Happens When Your Chihuahua Has A Leaky GI Tract?

If your Chihuahua is suffering from a “leaky GI Tract”, inflammation occurs in the GI tract for various reasons and that causes the tight intestine wall to permeate creating microscopic channels between the cells. Proteins and partially undigested foods then leak out through these channels and are detected by the immune system as a threat. This causes a histamine response to occur. This is the reason the most common symptom of “Leaky GI Track” is food intolerance.

Other symptoms of a Leaky GI Tract include:

  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Issues with stools or sickness
  • Joint issues
  • Yeast
  • Problems concerning other major organs in the body
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Changes in behavior including anxious and/or aggressive behavior (anger issues)

What Are the Possible Causes of a “Leaky GI Tract”?

  • Overuse of vaccines (see article:
  • Flea, tick, and worm medications; disrupt the GI tract microbiome by not only eradicating the parasites but also the good bacteria
  • Antibiotics; wipe out both the good and bad bacteria
  • Antihistamines; interfere with the production of mucus in the GI tract and also interfere with the enzyme responsible for breaking down and removing histamine from the GI tract
A healthy GI tract is essential to your Chihuahua’s health and wellbeing
  • NSAIDs and steroids; can cause ulcerations in the GI tract and interfere with mucosal production
  • Yeast overgrowth; bacterial overgrowth of yeast in small intestines damages the GI tract
  • Diet; dry dog food (kibble) as well as all other manufactured dog food contain an antibiotic herbicide that can be detrimental to the GI tract and cause a leaky GI tract
  • Some legumes may contribute to a leaky GI tract and kibble can contain microscopic mold that can cause a leaky GI tract
  • Stress; can have a huge effect on GI tact integrity, because it leads to inflammation
  • Aging; as our Chihuahuas age, their microbiome becomes less diverse which leads to damage to the GI tract

What You Can Do

Feed Them a Healthy Diet

A good diet is key to reducing the risk of a leaky GI tract developing and/or progressing. Every Chihuahua should be eating a balanced fresh food diet. It is essential to general health and your Chihuahua’s overall well-being.


Processed food, kibble, or any type of manufactured dog food is too high in carbohydrates. This can contribute to inflammation of the GI tract and permanent inflammation in the entire body

Manufactured dog food can cause a leaky GI tract and an unhappy Chihuahua

A balanced diet for your Chihuahua MUST include the right percentages of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in order for the body to have a healthy immune system and a healthy GI tract.

Stick to a healthy fresh food diet whether from a fresh food delivery service or save time and money by getting one of my recipes designed specifically for YOUR Chihuahua. (COMING SOON!)

Supplement Their Diet With Probiotics

In addition to (not instead of) a healthy fresh food diet adding a probiotic to their food will also help to ensure a healthy GI tract as and as a result, a healthy Chihuahua! One that will live a longer, healthier life so you and your Chihuahua can live the best life ever TOGETHER!

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