Have you ever heard of a brindle Chihuahua?
If so, did you wonder what that was? A color? A new breed of Chihuahua? It’s neither of those things actually. It is a coat pattern. Not all breeds of dogs can have a brindle coat. A Chihuahua can have a brindle coat, however, they are not very common. See: What is the Rarest And Most Unique Chihuahua of Them All?

The brindle pattern occurs as a dark color on a lighter color in sort of a striped pattern. It’s also called “tiger-striped”.

Other animals also can be brindle. Horses, guinea pigs, and cattle can also have the brindle coat pattern.
Are They Accepted In The American Kennel Club?
Although most brindles are black on brown or brown on black, there are also black on white. According to the American Kennel Club breed standard for Chihuahuas, any color — solid, marked, or splashed — is acceptable and correct. A Brindle is a coat pattern where there are black or any other darker-colored streaks causing pronounced stripes on another color, and it is fairly rare in Chihuahuas.

How Do Chihuahuas Get The Brindle Coat Pattern?
Brindle coats are a less common color in Chihuahuas because it requires one or both parents to carry the recessive brindle gene. If one parent is solid colored and the other is brindle, chances are the pups will be mostly solid. A brindle dog mated to a sable dog could produce brindle puppies, and a brindle dog mated to a dark dog with tan points could produce black with brindle-pointed pups.

Our son has always had a Great Dane and most of them have been brindle. Although you may see less brindle Great Danes, they are not an uncommon coat pattern for a Great Dane.

Do you have a brindle Chihuahua? How many brindle Chihuahuas have you seen? Let us know in the comments below.
Rescued this bridled chihuahua his name is Taz
I bought a brindle puppy and she had a sister that also is a brindle
That’s so cool. They are not real common…lucky you! I love the brindle pattern. 🙂
I don’t mean to brag, but on Feb 28th of this year we got our first Chihuahua and she is absolutely gorgeous! We have a Chesapeake and a chubby Min Pin. I needed a small dog to help run some weight off our Gomie. After a few months of searching I found Betty Roo. She’s smart and funny and we adore her. And she is the most beautiful brindle Deer-Head ever!
Hi Cindy! lol brag all you want! All Chihuahua lovers feel the same about their Chis! Congratulations on becoming a member of the Chihuahua breed lovers club/pack! 🙂 You should by all means send in a photo for our Photo Gallery! CLICK HERE
Rescued my brindle chihuahua from Craigslist. Couldn’t be happier. Max is my Buddy!!
Congratulations! I’m happy that you both found each other! Thanks for your comment! ~ Linda
We have, what you could call, a perfect specimen of a brindle chihuahua. Not only are they rare, they are also incredibly expensive. Back in 2014 we bought him for £400, today they cost upwards of £3000
Hi Kamil!
You should send us a photo to put in our photo gallery. I’d love to see him/her and so would my readers. Thanks for the comment!
What are the traits of a rare white Chihuahua?
Hi Char,
Chihuahuas come in a huge variety of different coat colors and patterns. White Chihuahuas are not considered particularly rare. Chihuahuas as with other breeds each have their own unique personalities, but as far as common traits go, they are the same as any other color Chi. All white Chihuahuas that also have blue eyes may, however, be more prone to certain health issues. They may be born deaf or with more sensitive skin and be more prone to skin allergies.
I hope that answered your question. Thank you so much for your comment!