The second Sunday of every September is National Pet Memorial Day. Most, if not all of us consider our Chihuahuas as our cherished family members. We refer to them as our “kids”. We feel that our 4-legged family members are just as important as our human family.
The International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories members had the very same thought way back in 1972. Until I lost my Chico recently, I didn’t even know that there was an International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories, did you?
It was in 1972 that they decided to designate the second Sunday in September as “National Pet Memorial Day”. The purpose was to designate a day that pet lovers can remember their lost friends and show their appreciation for the love, joy, and the memories that their beloved pet gave them in their lifetime.

This year National Pet Memorial day falls on Sunday, September 12, 2020. People celebrate Memorial Day in their own way — the humankind, that is. Generally, they may visit the gravesite of their lost loved ones. But, most of us don’t have an actual gravesite for our beloved lost pets. So what can you do to honor your precious Chihuahua(s) that you have lost to death?
6 Ways To Observe National Pet Memorial Day
Here are some suggestions for observing and honoring those that we have lost. They may not be with us anymore, but they are always in our hearts.
Donate To A Local Shelter
If you are financially able, donate to a Chihuahua rescue organization or to your local animal shelter in your Chihuahua’s name.

If you are not financially able to donate, why not volunteer your time? Chihuahua rescue organizations are always looking for volunteers to foster a Chihuahua until they find their forever home. Some are looking for volunteers to transport Chihuahuas that have found homes in a different state.
Volunteer your time at your local shelter. Helping to exercise and socialize shelter animals will help these animals in need to find loving homes faster.
Plant a Tree or Garden
If you don’t have a gravesite to visit, make a serene, quiet place where you can go to reflect on the life you shared with your beloved Chihuahua. Plant a tree or garden in your own backyard. You can even place a decorative bench there where you can sit while reflecting. Get a decorative stone to place there. They make all kinds that you can have engraved. Some can even be personalized with your Chihuahua’s name and/or picture on it.
Adopt A Chihuahua In Need
Because everyone grieves differently, this may be a good idea for some, but not for others. You can never replace a beloved Chihuahua, however, giving your love to another Chihuahua needing a home, may help. That is a personal decision, and only you know whether that is a right decison for you or not.
Just remember that you should not feel guilty either way you decide, nor should we ever judge someone else if they make a decision that is different than yours.
Revisit Your Memories
Either by going through photos to remind you of all the special moments and the joy you experienced together with your Chihuahua. Perhaps, just talk to a friend about all your fond memories. Remember the funny things about your Chihuahua that made you laugh.
Make A Scrap Book
Gather up all your photos of your beloved Chihuahua and make a scrapbook. You could do it chronologically, beginning with puppyhood or the day you adopted each other. Then you will have something that you can bring out and reflect on the precious memories every year on National Pet Memorial Day, or on any day that you are especially missing your beloved Chihuahua.

Join A Support Group
Sometimes it helps to share your memories with others that can empathize with you without judgment because they have been through it and share your feelings. You can find one near you online.