Humans can get Kidney disease and even have Kidney failure. When kidney failure happens, thanks to technology, they can have a kidney transplant and go on to live a healthy, normal life.
Just like us, dogs can develop kidney disease and even go into kidney failure. However, dogs don’t get kidney transplants.
What Do The Kidney’s Do?
The kidneys in your Chi have a very important job to do. They do so much more than filter out toxins from the blood. The kidneys maintain salt and water in the body. They help control blood sugar, aid in calcium metabolism, and fortify phosphorous levels.
When your Chihuahua’s kidneys stop working or don’t function as they should, toxins build up in the blood and he will become ill.

What Causes This Disease In Dogs?
Sometimes you know what caused it and some can be treated. These can sometimes be environmental. For instance, some chemicals, like certain disinfectants can cause kidney disease in dogs. Others are antifreeze, lead paint, and even some human medications.
Decreased blood flow or oxygen to the kidneys, infections, and urinary obstructions can also damage the kidneys.
Chronic Kidney Disease
On the other hand, chronic kidney disease develops over a period of time. The cause then can be difficult to determine. Often it is caused by an underlying illness or congenital and hereditary illnesses.

The number one cause of chronic kidney disease? Dental disease. Bacteria caused by plaque and tartar buildup enters the bloodstream and invades the organs. Including the heart, liver, and kidneys.
What Are The Signs?
Some things to look for are:
- A change in water intake
- Change in how much they urinate
- Depression and/ or listlessness
- Loss of or decreased appetite
- Breath smells chemical

- Vomiting
- Loss of weight
- Ulcers in the mouth
- Pale gums
- Stumbling
If your Chihuahua begins to show any of these signs take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
How Can I Prevent Kidney Disease In My Chihuahua?
Make sure your Chihuahua can not possibly get near any harmful chemicals, disinfectants, antifreeze, or any kind of paint.
Make sure that your Chihuahua is supervised at all times whenever he is outside. Never give your Chihuahua over the counter drugs unless you discuss it with your veterinarian first. Be sure that he has access to fresh water at all times.

Most of all, keep your Chihuahua’s teeth clean and free from plaque and tartar buildup. Brush their teeth once a day and have them cleaned by a veterinarian. Chihuahuas are known for having gum disease. Having his teeth cleaned by a veterinarian should be done every 6 months for a Chihuahua.
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