What You Should Know Before You Microchip Your Chihuahua

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I first published this December 2016. June is National Microchipping Month so this is a perfect time to review some things that you should know before you microchip your dog.

Is it necessary to microchip your dog? More importantly, is it safe?

Microchipping is becoming more and more popular among pet owners. Many have asked, though; are they safe? It’s hard to think about injecting something foreign into your dog or cat — especially one as small as a chihuahua. You may wonder, does it hurt? Here are some things you should consider before making a decision whether to microchip your dog.

What is a microchip?

A microchip is a small glass bead about the size of a grain of rice. It has a radio transmitter, an antenna, and a computer chip with a 10 digit code. You must have the chip read by a scanner. What it is not is a GPS system for tracking your dog to find them. The veterinarian will inject the microchip under the skin between the shoulder blades.

Is it necessary to microchip your dog?

Does he/she bolt out the door every chance they get? Does your Chi know the “come” command? Does he/she respond to it every time? If the answer to the first question is yes and the second question is no, then a microchip may be a good idea.

Here’s a sobering fact. Did you know every year millions — yes that’s millions — of dogs either escape or get lost? And less than 10% are found or returned.

I know from experience how easily it can happen, and how very scary it is! Thankfully, when it has happened to me, my dog was found right away. But, even if your dog (or cat) has a microchip, whether it will protect your dog depends on if it can be scanned.

microchip your dog. microchip needle and scanner

Microchip needle and scanner

There are four different types of microchips in the United States. Not all facilities have scanners that can read all four types. I did not know that until I did the research for this article.

If you have your dog microchipped, make sure that it is registered and that all the information is up to date. If your dog should get lost even if they are found and scanned, they won’t be able to find you. When you have your dog microchipped, they should give you all the information that you will need to register that microchip and connect your dog to it.

Is microchipping your dog safe?

Just as with any other procedure, you have to weigh the risks versus the benefits. What are the risks? One is that anytime a foreign object is injected into the body, there is a chance that the body will reject it.

According to Dr. Karen Becker DVM, “there have been two documented cases in veterinary medicine where sarcoma or fibrosarcoma, two types of soft tissue tumors, occurred at the site of the injection”.  Although two cases do not sound like much, Dr. Becker also believes that there likely are many cases that have not been documented.

What are the risks? One concern is that any time a foreign object is injected into the body there is a chance that the body will reject it. According to Dr. Karen Becker DVM, “there have been two documented cases in veterinary medicine where sarcoma or fibrosarcoma, two types of soft tissue tumors, occurred at the site of the injection”. Although two cases do not sound like much, Dr. Becker also believes that there likely are many cases that have not been documented.

There are other problems that could occur too. When the microchip is implanted under the skin it sometimes may move all the way up to the neck or even all the way down to the belly. If the dog is then scanned, not every person or facility will necessarily know to scan the whole body. For that reason, it’s a good idea to have your vet scan it every so often to make sure that it hasn’t moved.

microchip a chihuahua, small brown and whit dog having a microchip inserted, showing the needle close up

Close up of a microchip needle

Does it hurt? Most veterinarians and most anyone else you ask will tell you that it is painless. But, according to Dr. Becker, when inserted it is actually very painful and in her office, they always give them a local anesthetic. I have had all my Chihuahua’s microchipped.

My dog’s veterinarian said that it was painless. When Chico was microchipped they did it with no anesthesia (that I could tell) while I was in the room and I will tell you that he didn’t even flinch. But, I will also tell you that now that I know better, I would never have a dog microchipped without some kind of pain medication again!

Pebbles and Remedy had their microchips inserted while they were under anesthesia for their dental cleaning, which is also a good option.

Are their other options?

There is an alternative. Although Dr. Becker says that it continues to be highly debated in veterinary medicine. That is tattooing. Your phone number can be tattooed on your dog’s belly or on the thigh. A problem with that obviously is that you will have to make sure you have the same phone number for all of your dog’s life.

microchip a chihuahua, a veterinarian vaccinating or microchipping a chihuahua on white backgroundI can give you first-hand experience on this subject. Someone suggested this to me when one of my dogs was little. Not having much experience with dogs at that time, I decided that would be a good idea. I can tell you that I regret it to this day and will never do that again.

She was tattooed on her belly. Believe me a 10 digit phone number on a Chihuahua’s little belly is extremely noticeable and ugly. After a few years, you couldn’t even read the phone number! Sometimes when she sat, it looked like she had pubic hair! Again, it is a personal and individual decision to tattoo or not to tattoo.

But, if you decide to, be sure that it is done in an inconspicuous place.

Should you microchip a Chihuahua?

The decision whether or not to microchip your dog depends on your individual circumstances and your dog. But it is good and I believe necessary to be well informed before you make that decision.

So, let me know what you think. Do you believe every dog should be microchipped? Tell us would you do it? Why or why not? Do you have experience (good or bad) with having your pet microchipped?


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Don’t miss Remedy’s Story of how easily a dog can escape your yard even for the most diligent dog owner, and how it can end in tragedy.


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6 months ago

I don’t think dogs should be chipped I like the tattoo idea better but I’d rather see the dogs get an ear plate with my info on it or just stick to the normal dog tag and collar

5 years ago


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